Thursday, August 25, 2011

Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace movie review.

Now I was barely even old enough to walk when this movie came out, but I have been told by my mom this was the first movie I saw in theaters. This is going to start my series of 7 reviews about the Star Wars movies. Episode isn't the first film in the franchise, it is the one if you were to watch them in order would be first. Most people really seem to hate this movie, but I honestly disagree. Yes, it is a major let down compared to the first 3 Star Wars movies, but it isn't bad, at all. Now our story begins off with a ship going into another ship, and the ship that went into the other ship has Jedi on it and the ship that ship is in blows up the ship that went into it. I don't want to really talk about the story, you have most likely heard it. The acting in this movie is, good, and bad. Liam Neeson is fantastic in his role, the same can be said for Ewan McGregor. The rest of the cast is okay, and I even can stand Jar Jar, but Anakin is another story. Jake Lloyd is the kid who played Anakin in this movie. He is so annoying. Yes, he is not nearly as bad as Hayden Christensen, but he is not good. His acting works because he is a silly little kid, but silly little kids are annoying. Now the main thing that people just HATE about this movie, is none other than Jar Jar Binks the really stupid Gungan. The character is in some ways a racial stereotype, and can get on you nerves, but he provides some stupid but funny humor to the movie. To add to racial stereotypes, there is Watto, the greedy slave owner, and Nute Gunray, leader of the Trade Federation. Lets get off the acting. The script in this movie is much better than the other two of the newer Star Wars movies, but is honestly just okay and nothing to special. The pacing is fine, lots of action, and lots of depth with some of the characters. The effects are pretty good, but for there time they were great! The vehicles look very awesome in the movie. The main effect that stands out were the ones but into the podracing scene. That is a scene almost anyone can agree was really cool, and one of the best parts in the film. In my opinion, the best part of the movie was the Darth Maul lightsaber fight scene. The best lightsaber fight scene in the whole Star Wars franchise. The Darth Vader and Luke EP:5 scene is way more iconic, but this one was just great. Like most lightsaber battles it only lasts from around 5-10 minutes, but all of it was really great. Darth Maul was a pretty sweet villain to. He barely did much, but thats why he is cool and leaves you wandering. Overall, EP: 1 is my favorite new Star Wars movie. It has its pros, and cons, but is very entertaining none the less. I would give it a solid 7/10.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Star Trek(2009) written review!

Now before this movie came out, I didn't even think I was going to see it. The trailers looked cool but I knew nothing about the Star Trek franchise and I don't think I had ever seen a single movie or episode of the TV shows. I actually at first saw X-men Origins Wolverine over this movie. I did end up going to see it, not just once, not twice, but 7 times! By that number you can most likely tell I loved this movie. Now the story of Star Trek is about James T. Kirk played by Chris Pine, and the story of Spock, a half man, half vulcan played by Zachary Quinto. It starts off we a scene when Kirk was born. That scene was one of the best opening scenes I have every seen filmed on camera. The scene was about 10 minutes, but every second is awesome. It skips to Kirk when he is a little bit older, maybe around the age of 12. He is a rebel like kid driving around one of his relatives cars (which is still against the law 200 years from now). It also shows us some of Spock as a young child, he is almost the opposite of Kirk. The Vulcans don't even really have emotions, more like they tried to hide them. I don't want to spoil some things for you so we will skip to another part. Kirk is at a bar, gets into a fight and one of the Star Fleet Captains sees him, and asks him to join Star Fleet. Of course, he does, and meets all the Characters along the way. Now no more plot talk, to many spoilers. But I absolutely love this film! The acting, script, pacing, special effects, action, and much more are all top of the line. It is never slow, no stupid Battle: LA shaking camera, and no extra stories built it that could easily have been removed. I know some people care about so many lens flares, but it kind of works with the futuristic feel. This movie is also really funny at times. All the humor hits hard and makes you laugh, unless you have seen it a lot and you know its coming (like me). None of the humor is inappropriate for the most part, besides maybe one scene. To sum all of this up in one word is... AWESOME. I just love the movie so much, by far my favorite from 2009, and one of my favorites this past decade. I would give is a full 5*****, 10/10, 2 thumbs up, or A+, pick your favorite.
Thank you for reading my review,