Sunday, August 21, 2011

Star Trek(2009) written review!

Now before this movie came out, I didn't even think I was going to see it. The trailers looked cool but I knew nothing about the Star Trek franchise and I don't think I had ever seen a single movie or episode of the TV shows. I actually at first saw X-men Origins Wolverine over this movie. I did end up going to see it, not just once, not twice, but 7 times! By that number you can most likely tell I loved this movie. Now the story of Star Trek is about James T. Kirk played by Chris Pine, and the story of Spock, a half man, half vulcan played by Zachary Quinto. It starts off we a scene when Kirk was born. That scene was one of the best opening scenes I have every seen filmed on camera. The scene was about 10 minutes, but every second is awesome. It skips to Kirk when he is a little bit older, maybe around the age of 12. He is a rebel like kid driving around one of his relatives cars (which is still against the law 200 years from now). It also shows us some of Spock as a young child, he is almost the opposite of Kirk. The Vulcans don't even really have emotions, more like they tried to hide them. I don't want to spoil some things for you so we will skip to another part. Kirk is at a bar, gets into a fight and one of the Star Fleet Captains sees him, and asks him to join Star Fleet. Of course, he does, and meets all the Characters along the way. Now no more plot talk, to many spoilers. But I absolutely love this film! The acting, script, pacing, special effects, action, and much more are all top of the line. It is never slow, no stupid Battle: LA shaking camera, and no extra stories built it that could easily have been removed. I know some people care about so many lens flares, but it kind of works with the futuristic feel. This movie is also really funny at times. All the humor hits hard and makes you laugh, unless you have seen it a lot and you know its coming (like me). None of the humor is inappropriate for the most part, besides maybe one scene. To sum all of this up in one word is... AWESOME. I just love the movie so much, by far my favorite from 2009, and one of my favorites this past decade. I would give is a full 5*****, 10/10, 2 thumbs up, or A+, pick your favorite.
Thank you for reading my review,

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